Multicraft 2.3.0 pre1

Multicraft 2.3.0 pre1 v2.3.0 preview 1

Changelog for 2.3.0-pre1:
- Implemented additional ports feature allowing users to assign a random port to their server
- Implemented configurable crashed server restart limitations to avoid infinite restarts
- Implemented daemon side zip/unzip functionality for web FTP client
- Implemented default server settings override page
- Implemented global FTP access feature
- Implemented partial console updates for improved performance and less bandwidth usage
- Added FTPS support for server moves
- Added daemon group setting and allow conf file filtering based on daemon group
- Added setting to revert to legacy FTP client zip functionality
- Added support for creating sub-subdomains using the CloudFlare subdomain feature
- Fixed DB constraint error when removing user assignment from player
- Fixed certain FTP client links with paths style URLs
- Fixed encoding issue with Docker containers for certain character sets
- Fixed linebreaks getting lost when copying console content in FireFox
- Fixed navbar overlapping date selection on very small screens
- Fixed subdomain feature due to CloudFLare API changes
- Fixed subdomain feature not working behind routers by using "Displayed IP" for subdomains when the main IP is invalid
- Improved daemon command handling performance
- Improved error message when trying to log in with an empty database
- Show additional ports in server view
- Show name and global role for super user in profile
- Switched to header based clickjacking protection
- Updated parse settings to work with latest server versions
- Updated zip/unzip versions shipped with Windows builds
- Use workingDirectory setting for the accept EULA feature
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